2014-2015 COME and SEE, the reality behind
http://youtu.be/eC9LabAz2ME If something characterizes the educational work inspired by St. Joseph Calasanz, that is the centrality on the children and youth, by which the fundamental orientation of all the actions center on the fulfillment and the happiness of these. This central role of children and youth must permeate the entire educational action and, before anything else, in the same way when we approach the reality. Calasanz invites us to look at reality through the eyes of a child, especially the eyes of a poor child. In this particular point of view, we will try to do it on this solidarity campaign so that through this vision we can be closer to the trastevere of the present world, where the Pious Schools and the Itaka-Escolapios network are present. As St. Joseph Calasanz said, “the integral educational work needs to go down, in order to give light to the poorest and the most vulnerable one´s”. Those who look the reality from this height, which is the lowliness, are those who can really respond to the needs on what can be seen: appeases the fears, encourage illusions and give reason to dream…