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During this school year, many Piarist Schools have shared the motto “Getting Close” as the leitmotif for every project we are carrying out. In this context, we start anew one of the most important initiatives fostered each year by Itaka-Escolapios: the solidarity campaign to support the Piarist mission in the impoverished southern countries.


These last three consecutive years, our solidarity campaigns were intended to support a diversity of countries and projects. However, this year we will focus our attention and efforts on only one country, Indonesia in this case.


This solidarity campaign has but two goals. The first one is establishing a relationship with the Piarist Schools in Indonesia, which are one of the most recently founded Piarist offshoots. Secondly, this project will permit us to know the reality of the mission in Atambua, launched in 2013, and we will open ourselves to the socio-educational and pastoral work done by the Piarist Order in working with those in greatest need. We will share their dreams to encourage the growth of the mission in the future.


Furthermore, we want this campaign to join our solidarity to that of many more people from many different towns and Piarist Schools. Doing this would materialize a very necessary project these days in Atambua: the building of a boarding school to shelter children and youngsters with few resources from the nearby rural areas. This would allow them to continue their secondary education and have better future expectations both for themselves and their communities.


Thus, with this goal in mind, we start our solidarity campaign of 2015-2016 under the motto “Getting close to Atambua”. With it we wish to emphasize our decision of knowing and letting ourselves be known by the Piarist mission. Moreover, we also want to appeal to the rest of the people, educational centres and projects included in the Itaka-Escolapios’ solidary network.


We invite you to participate and engage yourselves deeply in this campaign.


Terimah kasih banyak. Thank you very much.