

Colored pencilsBelow we present a series of examples of activities to work in the classroom (they can also be carried out during out-of-school times). Their objective is to present the importance of education both as an element of personal change and social transformation.

We have tried to make an appealing selection complementing the six principal activities of this campaign: “The ship of the Itaka-Escolapios Crew”, “The clues game”, “The great mural of the Asrama”, “ The Tweet-Telegram”, “The Tebe Dance Competition”, and “Together with Atambua”. On the other hand, you can also find all the activities related to the Solidarity Campaign in the EDUCA site from our webpage.

Level/Age Activity Goal
1st PRESCHOOL YEAR MEMORY This activity aims to present each of the crew members of our ship and also teaching the children some facts regarding Indonesia’s reality.
3 – 4 years
2nd PRESCHOOL YEAR SUPPLEMENT This activity aims to present each of the crew members of our ship and also teaching the children some facts regarding Indonesia’s reality.
4 – 5 years
3rd PRESCHOOL YEAR CREW This activity aims to present each of the crew members of our ship and also teaching the children some facts regarding Indonesia’s reality.
5 – 6 years
1st PRIMARY GAMES AND DANCES During this session we will get to know more about the social reality we are studying through a game and an Indonesian traditional dance. With it we will learn that our ways of life have similarities and differences. Some of them “fair” (such as the cultural ones), but also “unfair” (such as the economic ones.)
6 -7 years
2nd PRIMARY AND YOU? HOW DO YOU FEEL? This activity encourages the children to know more about their classmates, to learn about empathy and how our relationship with our friends/classmates should be.
7 – 8 years
3rd PRIMARY GIVE FLAVOUR TO YOUR FRIENDS’ LIFE With this we will work on self-awareness, specially the gifts that can be put at the service of others.
8 – 9 years
4th PRIMARY DECIPHERING INDONESIA Here we will study the campaign through one of the characters, BLA, who knows many languages.
9-10 years
5th PRIMARY  BE A CHEF WITH SUKAL This exercise will allow the children to get acquainted with Indonesia’s gastronomy and also develop their culinary skills with the help of their families.
10-11 years
6th PRIMARY BUILDING TOGETHER Through this exercise, we want the children to feel part of the project and encourage all of them to help with the building of the Asrama (boarding school) in Atambua.
11-12 years
1st SECONDARY ON OUR WAY TO SCHOOL The goal of this activity is to make the pupils realise the importance of education and the obstacles that some children and youngsters have to face to go to school, particularly regarding Indonesia. That’s the reason why building a boarding school in Atambua as the Piarist Order is doing is so important.
12-13 years
2nd SECONDARY ATAMBÚA & GO Through a game with the sailors from the Itaka-Escolapios Crew, we will introduce the Piarist project in Indonesia.
13-14 years
3rd SECONDARY PRESENT YOUR CAMPAIGN For this activity, the pupils will have to help raise awareness in the rest of the school by making videos about the different campaign’s activities.
14-15 years
4th SECONDARY GETTING CLOSE This exercise invites the pupils to reflect about the campaign and in which ways they could help, to let them know that anything they do is to the benefit of the Piarist project in Atambua.
15-16 years
1stBACCALAUREATE  JIWA, A PASSION FOR BUILDING This activity fosters creativity and education as tools to build a better world, it is aimed to encourage to use our skills at the service of others
16-17 years
2ndBACCALAUREATE PETERS’ WORLD MAP The purpose of this activity is deliberating on the Human Development Index (HDI) of the different countries.