

In the 2015-2016 solidarity campaign we wanted to strengthen the transformative force of education by promoting the construction of a boarding school in the city of Atambua (Indonesia); an infrastructure that will ensure that one hundred young people from rural communities can continue their secondary education.

More than 27,000 students from nearly 50 schools and Piarist cultural centers from Bolivia, Brazil, Cameroon, Spain, Equatorial Guinea and Venezuela worked in the classrooms on the value of education as an engine of change, knowing the reality of schools in Indonesia. Thanks to this work of awareness we have been able to send to Atambua the amount of 200,758.81 € and to guarantee the equipment of the boarding school with another 24,000 € donated by different entities.

Below you can see our two thanking videos (Spanish and English) made by the Piarist Community of Atambua.

¡Gracias! Thanks! Merci! Obrigado! Gracies! Eskerik asko!