How to contact Itaka-Escolapios
Contact your nearest office
For information about our projects (registration, schedules and any other inquiry or procedure), volunteering, internships or send your resume, press, donations, etc., please contact the Itaka-Escolapios office nearest you. In the Where we are section of the main menu of the website you can see all the countries and locations, and consult the e-mail and telephone number of the headquarters.
Do you have a suggestion, complaint or congratulation?
You have at your disposal an online mailbox to send your suggestions, complaints or compliments. It will be registered and forwarded to the corresponding team.
Legal issues
To exercise your rights under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the European data protection regulation, you can write to protecciondedatos [at] according to our privacy policy (Spanish).
To report abuse or maltreatment of minors you can consult the Guide for the protection and good treatment of minors in the Itaka-Escolapios network and report it immediately to the Itaka-Escolapios person responsible for the project or activity in order to take the measures contemplated in the protocol.
To file a complaint or report for conduct constituting sexual harassment or harassment based on sex you can consult the Protocol for the prevention and action against sexual harassment and harassment based on sex (Spanish) and send your complaint or report in the manner established in the protocol.
To report inappropriate conduct, including both violations of the legislation in force and of Itaka-Escolapios’ internal rules and policies, you have at your disposal the complaints channel (Spanish) where you can consult the policy for reporting inappropriate conduct and send your report, even anonymously.
General inquiries
If you do not know where to send your message, you can write to the e-mail address itakaescolapios [at] Please write only if your message is not related to any particular Itaka-Escolapios site. Please note that this e-mail will not attend commercial communications.