Primary school in Bafia (Cameroon)

[ Contact data ]

Barrio Cité - Verté H10
(junto colegio alemán) Yaundé

Tlfn: (237) 22 04 59 94

Georges Landry NKOMO

Base technical:
Joel Aimé Kougnoué

Bafia – Quartier Résidentiel neighborhood, central province of Cameroon. This town is mainly rural, with a very dispersed population around the countryside and not very concentrated in the centre. More than 90% of the population make a living from farming: cocoa, corn, banana and peanut that is sold in very small quantities, together with some domestic livestock (chickens, goats…)

Children and teenagers come from the small villages to the schools, living for 5 weekdays in bad conditions, renting rooms or living with families in overcrowded houses. The primary school from Bafia holds more tan 500 students separated in two sections (one in English and one in French) and 3 infant school levels.