Primary schools in Bamenda (Cameroon)
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Barrio Cité - Verté H10
(junto colegio alemán) Yaundé
Tlfn: (237) 22 04 59 94
Georges Landry NKOMO
Base technical:
Joel Aimé Kougnoué
In Bamenda there are three schools in various neighbourhoods: San Miguel at Futru, San Agustín at Mbelem and San José de Calasanz at Menteh.
In this English-speaking area, families have a lot of problems to mantain their large families. In many cases, children need to collaborate with their parents in the fields while older daughters look after their younger siblings. As a consequence, in these areas, there are less girls attending school.
There are a total of 700 students in these three primary schools located in the outskirts of the city.