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Avda. San José de Calasanz, 2 - Montequinto
41089 Dos Hermanas

Tlfn: 954 121 250

Carlos Alarcón Melgar

Faith groups start in the 5th grade of the Primary School and are open to students from other schools. Children and youths belonging to these groups learn what it means to be Christian and are encouraged to commit in order to build a fairer world. Finally, after the youth groups process (18-25 years), young adults are offered to join the Piarist Community and to get involved in a shared mission with the local Piarists.

The groups divided into stages and accompanied by their catechists, meet weekly and plan several trips throughout the year. Together with groups of Granada and Cordoba, various activities are carried out to share experiences (leisure camps). Older groups are invited to live Easter time more intensely.

Moreover, during the academic year, these groups also take part in awareness campaigns organised by areas of the Itaka-Escolapios Foundation.