[ Contact data ]
Conde Aranda 2 Local
50003 Zaragoza
Tlfn: 976 40 51 35
Jesús Marín

The current Calasanz Mouvement in Zaragoza is the confluence of several groups that, with different names, appeared in the 80s: Calasancio Catechesis, “Amistad” groups and Post-Communion Catechesis, as well as the communion catechesis of the three schools with Piarist presence in Zaragoza. That presence has more than 260 years of history.
At Calasancio School the groups began in the late 70s and from that moment they started to shape the activities that nowadays are carried out by Calasanz Mouvement in Zaragoza. In addition, at Cristo Rey School, “Amistad” group had been working since 1988, with only students from ESO (Secondary Education). Also, at Escuelas Pías School there were, traditionally, Post- Communion groups that linked to catechesis groups for the Confirmation from the 80s.
From the 90s, collaborations for common activities among the groups of the three schools started. With the 21st century, it also began the confluence in the rest of activities on holidays and, in general, in the conscience of being a unique project and in the combined organization and programme: weekly sessions, trips, Christmas retreats, Pasqui and Pascua and summer trip.
From school year 2013-2014, a final effort has been made to join, at the same project, the first stage – Chino Chano – with the groups of the youngest kids for Calasanz Mouvement to undertake all the stages from 8 to 24 years old, offering the natural release on the adult stages of the pastoral process at the Piarist School.
We have three different stages. Chino Chano, from Year 1 to 4 (1st-4th Primary), Calasanz Groups from Year 5 to the end of High School and Jaire, from 18 years old onwards. All of them are fostered by an important number of volunteer instructors.