Calasanz Community Center in the district of La Lucha , in Carora ( Venezuela )
[ Contact data ]
Avda. Cristo Rey (Colegio)
Oficina de Pastoral
3050 Carora (LARA)
Tlfn: (58) (52) 04 167 582 002
Nelyimar Pérez

La Lucha district is one of the sectors with higher socio-economic needs of the Parish of Saint Joseph Calasanz and even of Carora, State of Lara . This community is located in an area lacking basic services : 70% of the overcrowded houses are made of tin, unstable and insecure, and there is a lack of free public services . It is located on the outskirts of the city, away from the parish center .
There are many pregnant girls , single mothers and women in charge of single-parent families , who do not have enough academic training to enter the job market.
To give feasible answer to this community, the “Calasanz” Community Center was born: a platform to perform training activities for children, youth, pregnant teenagers, single mothers… It is a space dedicated to the welfare of the community in general.
The main objectives of the project are :
- To use a CECAL (training centre) for the education of young men and women, single mothers, pregnant teenagers, and groups that require it.
- To strengthen family and social values through campaigns , workshops , lectures and special events aimed at the wider community .
- To encourage the integration of the community , providing an adequate space for youth group meetings , prayer meetings and neighborhood mothers family meetings , among others.
- Provide a day care home , in the future, for children between 1 and 3 years old, thus supporting mothers living in the neighborhood who work and/or study.