SEC Serra (Brazil)
[ Contact data ]
Rua Alfredo Galeno, 98 Bairro Vila Nova de Colares
Serra (ES) CEP 29.172-835
José Carlos Fernández Jorajuría

The “San Jose de Calasanz” Social Centre gives service to the population of the districts of Feu Rosa and Vila Nova of Colares, both with high levels of violence and poverty. These neighborhoods were created in the 80s, due to the massive arrival of people from the city of Victoria: there were several landslides at that time, which buried hundreds of houses; the lack of help from the Government forced many families to emigrate to the neighbouring region.
The centre has 715 sq m, distributed in a work room, an attention room, administration, social services attention, dining room, semi-industrial kitchen, multimedia room with structure for ballet, capoeira and breakdance classes, computer room, telecentre, mini library, store and outdoor area.
The centre carries out the following programs:
Bioenergy: service to the community through the knowledge of medicinal plants and practices of bioenergy based on the Reiki method.
Extra classes: systematic training activities for the cognitive development and construction of personal and social identity of children from 6 to 14.