[ Contact data ]

Conde Aranda 2 Local
50003 Zaragoza

Tlfn: 976 40 51 35

Jesús Marín

ITÁVERE is a social project with an integrationist nature and addressed to boys and girls aged 6 to 13. It is developed in Zaragoza and to be able to carry it out it is necessary to use the facilities located at Escuelas Pías School.

Its name arises from the union of the words Itaka and Trastévere. The place where it is developed is San Pablo neighbourhood, similar to the ones where Saint Joseph of Calasanz used to work.

Such project emerges from the necessity that the neighbourhood presents to offer children and young people a proper space and time that they may use to get and carry out social abilities necessary to use on their daily life. They could also develop positive habits on their free time and create opportunities to improve their social integration.

With Itávere we want that disadvantaged children, those with social exclusion have a place for cohabitation with other kids and they may enjoy activities and resources that they usually cannot get.

This project is possible thanks to the volunteer work of social educators, teachers, instructors and sport coaches.