[ Contact data ]

Barrio Impacto. Calle Miraflores nº 32-23
Parroquia Miguel Peña
2001 Valencia

Tlfn: (58) (41) 241 8477484
Tlfn: (58) (41) 241 8479056

Nelyimar Pérez

The Itaka – Escolapios formation school is born as a need to form educational and pastoral agents . It aims to train staff of the Schools , volunteers, parents and all those involved with our projects.

There is a specific training plan for each of the recipients :

• Collaborators: teachers , school staff …

  •  Initiation : The first stage of preparation, specific for the new staff;  they learn the basic contents in dimensions , on an individual basis in consultation with managers
  •  Diploma in Calasanzian Education: This proposal is aimed at educators who have been at least three years working in our schools.
  •  Permanent : this is a stage of continuing training for all the staff , made ​​locally in schools . It corresponds to a process which arises from the needs of the staff as a whole.

• Volunteers

  •  Meeting at the initiation hall : the first stage is aimed at preparing people committed to our projects.
  • Basic : It lasts two years and seeks to develop human growth
  • Expertise : it lasts two years and aims to enable participants to acquire the ability to coordinate and support educational processes .
  • Advanced Course in Youth Ministry : It is part of the specialization and seeks to complete the formation of pastoral agents