Friendly entities

Below we enumerate a series of public institutions, private entities and other groups that have collaborate with Itaka-Escolapios in the last year. We want to transmit them an enormous and deep acknowledgement, because without doubt with their effort and trust they make possible that our projects and actions go ahead and further.

Furthermore, we want to extend this acknowledgement to the hundreds of individual people that, becoming volunteers of Itaka-Escolapios, collaboration partners or with punctual helps, they have supported in the same way to go ahead with our work.

We want to thank as well, in a special way, to whom in their condition of founders and sponsors of Itaka-Escolapios bet and trust in this entity as a solidarity platform in that everyone can share the piarist mission:

Finally we have to thank to public, private or business institutions, that year by year trust in the work developed by Itaka-Escolapios Foundation.

We are updating the page. You can see the collaborating institutions in