The Advisory Council is the highest governing body of the Itaka-Escolapios network and is formed by the Order (with its General Congregation) and the Fraternity (with the General Council of the Fraternity), as well as by the participating Piarist provinces and fraternities. The Advisory Council meets every three years and has the function of defining the strategic lines of Itaka-Escolapios, approving, and evaluating the Strategic Plan of the network.

Four Advisory Councils have been held so far:

  • I Advisory Council (2012): download the document with the conclusions.
  • II Advisory Council (2015): download the document with the conclusions.
  • III Advisory Council (2018): consult all Council documentation here.
  • IV Advisory Council (2021): it took place between 8 and 11 March 2021. You can access here to the documents that were discussed at the Council.
  • V Advisory Council (2024): it was held in Rome from 27 to 29 May 2024. All Council documentation is avaliable here.