Executive Committee
This is the team that, by delegation of the Board of Trustees, meets weekly to coordinate the network in permanent contact with the districts and the general teams.
En la actualidad está formada por:
- Javier Aguirregabiria (president, Brasil-Bolivia)
- Igor Irigoyen (General Coordinator)
- Constanza de las Marinas (Bethany)
- Ander Mijangos (management)
- Emmanuel Suárez (Mexico)
- Alberto Cantero (Emmaus)
- Clémen Tsangá (Central Africa)
General Teams
These are the teams at the service of the network to promote each of the cross-cutting areas of Itaka-Escolapios in the demarcations and in the network. These teams promote the areas of awareness, training, volunteering, resource management and communication.
Demarcational teams
These are the teams that, in each demarcation, promote Itaka-Escolapios and its projects. These teams are appointed by their respective Piarist provinces to promote Itaka-Escolapios in their area and work in contact with the network teams. Each demarcation organises its functioning in coordination with the Executive Committee.