Transparency and governance

Itaka-Escolapios Foundation identification data

Name Itaka-Escolapios Foundation (Spanish: Fundación Itaka-Escolapios)
Date of constitution 09/03/2001
Legal and fiscal address c/ Juan de Ajuriaguerra 15. 48009 Bilbao, Vizcaya (Spain)
Register Registered in the Register of Foundations of State Competence of the Ministry of Justice with nº 1329.
Scope of action State
Tax identification number G95146841


Implementing legislation

  • Statutes (ES)
  • Basic regulation:
    • Law 50/2002, of 26 December, on Foundations (Spain).
    • FORAL LAW 4/2019, of 20 March, on the Tax Regime for Non-Profit Organisations and Tax Incentives for Patronage (Vizcaya, Spain).
    • Law 49/2002, of 23 December, on the tax regime for non-profit organisations and tax incentives for patronage (Spain).


Financial information

  Annual accounts
(balance sheet, income statement and notes to the financial statements)
and audit report
Financial Investments report Consolidated information of the Itaka-Escolapios Network1
2022-2023 accounts Annual accounts 2022-2023 (ES)
Audit report (ES)
Annual report on compliance with the codes of conduct on temporary financial investments 2022-2023 (ES) Itaka-Escolapios in figures 2022-2023 (available in English)
2021-2022 accounts Annual accounts 2021-2022 (ES)
Audit report (ES)
Annual report on compliance with the codes of conduct on temporary financial investments 2021-2022 (ES) Itaka-Escolapios in figures 2021-2022 (available in English)
2020-2021 accounts Annual accounts and audit report 2020-2021 (ES)

Financial report in the activities report (page 6+)

Annual report on compliance with the codes of conduct on temporary financial investments 2020-2021 (ES) Itaka-Escolapios in figures 2020-2021 (available in English)
2019-2020 accounts Annual accounts and audit report 2019-2020 (ES)

Financial addendum to the annual report (ES)

Annual report on compliance with the codes of conduct on temporary financial investments 2019-2020 (ES) Itaka-Escolapios in figures 2019-2020 (ES)
2018-2019 accounts Annual acconts and audit report 2018-2019 (ES)

Financial addendum to the annual report (ES)

Annual report on compliance with the codes of conduct on temporary financial investments 2018-2019 (ES)

1 The consolidated information of the Itaka-Escolapios Network considers the income and expenses of Itaka-Escolapios in all the countries where it is present, including the accounts of the Itaka-Escolapios Foundation and the other entities constituted in each of the countries, without duplicating the internal monetary exchanges of the Network.


Action plans


Key data

Data as of 31/08/2023.

No. of volunteers 947 598 women 349 men
No. of employees 122 76 women 46 men
Sources of funding Own funds 2.616.312,19 €
Public funds 3.597.805,87 €
Private funds 2.053.134,55 €

No funder exceeds 20% of the total amount of funding received.


Conduct codes and policies

Itaka-Escolapios adheres to the code of conduct of the NGDO Coordinator of Spain (ES).

We also have a guide for the protection and good treatment of minors which is mandatory for all our projects.

We also share other Itaka-Escolapios policies and plans:

To report inappropriate behaviour, you can use the whistleblowing channel. Please refer to this section for Itaka-Escolapios’ policy on reporting misconduct.


Activities reports

The annual activities report is available under the Activities reports section of this website.