The meeting in Kinshasa continues this week in the framework of the project for the implementation of the new school. During the weekend Jon Ander, Amaya and Pedro, displaced from the Itaka Piarist Network and the Calasanzio School of Bilbao have taken the opportunity to approach Kikonka, they have been able to know the agglomeration, which was the first destination of the Piarists in the Democratic Republic of Congo and see, among other things, everything that has been promoted thanks to the support of the solidarity campaign of 2018-19, “In this campaign we worked in seventy-eight Piarist centres in ten countries (Spain, Bolivia, Brazil, Venezuela, Dominican Republic, Cameroon, Gabon, Senegal, Philippines and Indonesia) to get to know the Piarist reality in the DR Congo and we collected more than in the classrooms the value of education as an engine of change, knowing the Piarist reality in the Democratic Republic of Congo. 223 .000 €. This support from the Itaka Piarist Network has allowed to improve the education of boys and girls through the rehabilitation and equipment of the primary school, the improvement of sanitation (construction of new latrines), the drilling of two water wells and the improvement of the quality of life of the women’s group of the agglomeration by supporting their training.
It has been an opportunity to strengthen the connection between very different parts of the Itaka Escolapios Network, improve mutual understanding and identify new and future steps.
The work will continue throughout this week in Kinshasa between the future management team of the future school in the capital, the team from the Piarist school in Bilbao and the project team of the Network.