

The Board of Trustees of the Itaka-Escolapios Network held an important meeting on 27 June, where the proposed budget for the next academic year was approved and, in addition to other minor matters, two fundamental teams were renewed:
Firstly, the Board of Trustees, which is now made up of Fr Juan Alfonso Serra (President), Fr Jesús Elizari (Vice-President and Provincial of Emmaus), Alberto Cantero (on behalf of the General Fraternity and Secretary), Fr Félicien Mouendji (on behalf of the General Congregation), Fr Iván Ruiz (Provincial of Betania), Raúl González (Emmaus Fraternity), Noemí Gesto (Betania Fraternity), Fr Emmanuel Suárez and Carolina Paredes.
Secondly, the Executive Committee is renewed and composed now of Juan Alfonso Serra (President), Igor Irigoyen (General Coordinator), Fr Emmanuel Suárez, Ander Mijangos, Constanza de las Marinas, María Teresa Ramírez and Fr Adalbert Fouda.
In addition to the thanks for the availability of the people who take on the service, the Board of Trustees expressed special thanks to Fr Javier Aguirregabiria, who is no longer a member of both teams after having been with the Network since its beginnings. And also to Alberto Cantero who is leaving the Executive Committee, where he has given great service in recent years.