

World Children’s Day is celebrated on the 20th of November. It is an important date, especially for the organisations that, like Itaka-Escolapios, attend, educate and accompany children and adolescents through our projects.

In the Itaka-Escolapios Network we reaffirm today our commitment to the full effectiveness of children’s rights, the centre of our mission. We want to ensure at all times the care, well-being and integral development of the children and adolescents who participate in Itaka-Escolapios, which implies promoting and building protective, healthy, participatory and educationally stimulating spaces.

Under the inspiration of St. Joseph Calasanz, founder of the Pious Schools, we are committed to the care and integral education of the children, trusting in this way to make possible a happy course of their whole life.

With special concern and affection we remember today so many children who, in the realities in which we work and throughout the world, suffer poverty, exclusion, abuse or any other form of violence and injustice. Let us build a society free of violations of children’s rights, which is the basis of a just society.