24-10-2023Sorry, but this news item is available only in Español and Français.
Sorry, but this news item is available only in Español and Français.
Yesterday, Sunday, October 22, 2023, the 29th Sunday of Ordinary Time (liturgical year A), marked the welcome ceremony for the new parish priest and pastoral team […]
Orientation Day is defined by UNESCO as a lifelong educational practice aimed at helping each individual to choose for himself the training most suited to his […]
The International Day for the Eradication of Poverty is celebrated on 17 October, recalling the rally that 32 years ago brought together more than 100,000 people […]
October 16 is Global Handwashing Day. To this end, Today, October 16, 2023, the supervisors of COSCABIC (Complexe Bilingue Intégrale Calasanz) of Bafia took a break […]
Last Saturday, October 14, 2023, the training of monitors of the Calasanz movement of Akonibe and Akurenam took place in Akurenam (Equatorial Guinea) on the theme […]
The back-to-school mass at the Calasanz Catholic Institute marks the start of a new school year full of hope and opportunities. Father Steven’s inspiring words will […]
Yesterday, Tuesday, October 10, 2023, the back-to-school Mass took place in Bafia in the diocese of Bafia at St Sébastien de Gondon Cathedral. Children from different […]
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Sorry, but this news item is available only in Español.